The Mormon Channel

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Malt Shoppe and Obedience?!?!

When I was going to college, I got my first real job working at the Malt Shoppe!

Yes, that is right!  The Malt Shoppe is an old 50's burger and shake joint that had lights, music, a juke-box, and GREAT food and desserts!  It was a fun place to be, and even though I never want to work fast-food ever again in my life, it was a job I loved.

I loved my job, but I wanted to make sure others knew that I loved being a Malt Shoppe employee.  While some people would just make a shake, I loved to MAKE that shake!

For example, if someone ordered a german chocolate shake, I wouldn't just mix in chocolate syrup, walnuts and coconut shavings with the vanilla ice cream, but after I did that I would artfully place coconut shavings and walnuts on top of the shake and then drizzle some chocolate syrup lightly on the top of it.  It not only tasted good, but it looked amazing.

Going the extra step in making these shakes really impressed my bosses, and they knew that I really enjoyed my job and that I tried my best to make our customers happy.  :)

Now you may wonder how this analogy applies to the principle of obedience?

God has given us commandments for our benefit.  They are not restrictions placed on us to prevent us from enjoying freedom, but are rather guidelines on how we can find meaning, joy, and security in life.  But as we keep the commandments of God, what is our personal attitude towards keeping them?

When speaking of Jesus Christ being baptized, the prophet Nephi asks and answers us a question as to the purpose of why the only perfect person to ever walk the Earth needed to be baptized.  Said he:

"Know ye not that he [Jesus Christ] was holy? But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient unto him in keeping his commandments. (2 Nephi 31:7)"

Jesus Christ didn't need to receive a remission of His sins, but He was obedient to the commandments of the Father to be baptized.  Just as Christ showed us that we need to follow God's commandments, the scripture continues:

"And he [Christ] said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father? (2 Nephi 31:10)"

We need to be willing.  It doesn't say that we have to be perfect (that is what repentance is for), but we can't live our whole lives grudgingly following the Savior.  When we follow Christ with a loving and joyful heart, we receive so much more from obedience than if we simply go through the motions.

I loved my job as a shake maker.  I love being a missionary.  I love my Savior, and I'm willing to show my love by willingly obeying His command.  I love being able to help others follow Christ, and I know that true joy comes from joyfully following the Master.

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